Sunday, February 22, 2009

just somethin-

Tonight our Korbin just was not sleepy and being as I don't care if he's tired or not he went to bed anyways but being the most awesome mother I am I also do not mind if he looks a books with a soft light on. This is how tonight went down:
8:00 bed time
9:00 I say 'Korbin I can hear you! Go to sleep or just turn on your office light and look at books.'
9:30 Jaxon goes in and finds Korbin with amazing assortment of hot wheels lined up to race on the middle of Korbin's floor.'Dude you have to get into bed, I don't care if you look at books but you have to get in bed'
9:30 and one micro-second later: Korbin says 'So I can just put what I want to play with IN my bed and play there.' not a question a statement.
9:30 and 3 seconds: Jaxon 'NO you have read books or turn off the lights.'
9:31 Korbin 'But, I actually don't know how to read' as quick as ever.
9:31 and twenty seconds: 'Look I know you know the letter and I know you know the sounds so you just look at the books and see if anything jumps out at you- go to sleep.'
9:32 Korbin singing alphabet song loudly from his room to try and remember what sounds the letter should be making.
9:33 Jaxon comes downstairs laughing at the quick-wit and humor Korbin has inherited.
I have a happy moment.

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