Thursday, May 6, 2010

Much better...

OK! I know 4 hours ago I posted how tired I was.
I still am, but in 4 hours we have had a good few things happen.
#1. ALLIE POOPED IN THE POTTY ON HER OWN-meaning no prompting. (like I stated in earlier post-we weren't doing so hot.) YEA! It takes a mommy to know how wonderful this is!
#2. The children went to bed beautifully. Baths, Brushing teeth, Stories, Bible, Prayers, Song and SLEEP! (with a few extra cuddles from me because I like holding nice children)
#3. Tonight I got my gown fitted. I have been very worried because we have to 'Mormon' it up. Not my favorite thing-Ill pay someone to shop modestly down here for me cause its insane! Anywoo-I finally met with the seamstress-I bought the dress in March and rushed it to be made before end of June (apparently I'm scary or something because they were done way ahead of schedule)-and Mercy-yes, that's her name-is AMAZING. I am now really excited to go home to Utah and have a great time after we get sealed. I have a nice 'Conservative practical' dress for the Temple and a NOW Jade green chiffon stunner for the after-party. Its really just a dinner but I'm not eating THAT dinner in a church dress!
Now, time to put my tired butt to I'm going to bed in a great mood.


julie said...

I'm glad to hear that everything is going better for you. I hope today goes well. Enjoy your time away from the crazies! You are awesome. Hang in there and call me anytime. I'm happy to help:)

Philip and Jaime Connor said...

I am glad that things are looking up for you. It is even harder to handle crazy kids with your spouse gone, but you're awesome and strong and beautiful and you will make it. I can't wait to see your dress. I'm sure you will make the rest of us green with envy. ;)