Friday, December 18, 2009


My last Christmas was very different. Jaxon and I weren't doing so hot (understatement of the year) and things were very hard for me. Feeling in the Spirit Christmas was not super, AND I FREAKING LOVE CHRISTMAS! If someone would have told me that I would be in Georgia with Jax. Happily! In a new pretty house and a new career and we WOULD BE PLANNING FOR A SPRING BREAK SEALING. I would have told you to stop being mean to me.
The year before last-everything I'd ever known and believed in was challenged. Last year-it was coming slowly back inside of my heart and this year, Its here. In abundance. I have had an intense 27 years but I choose to look at my crows-feet (damn things) as coming from the wonderful joys I have experienced. I have always loved Korbin and Allie but to know inside, what I have endured for them to have the life they have- makes me love them more. To look at an imperfect (by allot) face in the mirror and know that its still a good face. A face that knows Father in Heaven intimately, a reflection that knows despair and has slowly risen out of the ashes being held by Him is a face I'm okay with seeing tomorrow.
To look at my lovey. Who was, is, and always will be-my lovey. To see how he works himself in every aspect now. Spiritually, mentally and physically. To witness someone who had everything-lose it and then day by day earn it back. In my book he deserves to be looked at now with honor. I cant wait till we have the priesthood in our house for the first time. I can't wait to see him want to baptize our children.
Christmas is about the world finally receiving it's salvation. Salvation comes. Slowly or quickly it does come. This year I am very excited to be celebrating it with my lovey, my Korbin and my Miss. Allie.
If I were to die tomorrow I'd want the people I'd loved to know without any doubts-I loved my Savior and I worked for that relationship. I loved the Gospel, in the scriptures it says 'we are delivered from our sorrows' and I get that. Ive felt it and not only tasted it I chewed and swallowed it. I never want to die and have the door open and have Christ say 'Do I know ye?' My goal is for him to throw those doors open before I've hit the sidwalk and shout 'Brittney, we've been waiting! My friend, my sister,-Welcome.' I would want you to know that Im totally innaproptate and totally fine with that-If I want to wear a big hat Im gonna and I love what I love with no excuses. I have always felt that you only have one life-you'de better hustle if you wanna make it awesome. But, for the first time in my adult life I can say that Im feeling it (watch someone's gonna call me cause I ticked them off=)) I have worked so hard to learn and grow and like who I am and where Im at and there have been many road blocks but I just collect them now and keep on goin-cause at least finally-I know where I am going...


Philip and Jaime Connor said...

I love you the way you are and I love that you have come out the other side of this a stronger, even more fabulous person. You are amazing! By the when, when exactly is spring break?

Chelsea said...

Congratulations on the sealing! I'm so happy for you guys. I'm glad everything in your new life is going so wonderfully!

~B~ said...

Cute pictures! I can't believe Alex's hair is so light!

Fireball said...

This is your best post yet. It is so wonderful to hear that you guys are doing well. I hope you guys have a very merry Christmas!