Friday, January 16, 2009

Beauty is all that matters?

Today being extremely self conscious about the new doo I had much to do so I threw on some red lipstick hoping no one would notice my hair and went on my way. It sucked and YES everyone was very kind and lied through their teeth and said how they kinda liked it and I just look edgy and different but not like a crazy person or a prostitute. There are some noted differences such as my head is shockingly cold when I'm outside and when people glance at me the double take is no longer 'She might be hot' Its now like 'Is that a chick or a dude?'
I went to Shama's and I have to say they are the most complementary people on the planet. Her mother gushed about how striking my features were and how now they are just 'showcased' and how much thinner my face looks etc.... CAN I MOVE IN PLEASE?
It got me thinking about how much focus we (or I) put on looks. I know when push comes to shove I'm not ugly. Quite pleasant actually. I look friendly and approachable and sometimes pretty. Yet, I have it somewhere inside of my head (don't worry I am in therapy) that Perfection IS attainable. With everything. The size of my thighs to my soul. Its doable. Just look at Charlize Theron and President Monson. See! Now all I have to do is create myself to become the middle of them and Ive got it made-right?
I know I'm a little vain and I'm totally okay with that because I know Ill never let myself go. But, is vanity something I want Miss. Allie to have? Is one kind of beauty something I want Korbin to think is all there is that's beautiful? Of course not. I would adore Miss. Allie even if she looked like the Hunchback of Notre Damne. I heard a quote that I really like 'True Beauty is giving even when giving become uncomfortable.' Pretty is as Pretty does.
When I am very old you might remember that I was good looking but you will mostly remember how I behaved. What I did that mattered. How I raised my children and spoke to my husband. I have known so many people who might not have ever been on the cover of Vogue but have become breathtakingly gorgeous in my eyes. I still do not like my hair and I wont like it till it looks like 'me' again but its still the same old me in there. I am opinionated and demanding and I like things my way but I'm great too. I love my kids to death and I keep a tidy house and I'd like to think I'm a good Friend and I have a strong testimony. So, please look at Me next time you see me and not my HAIR!


Jackie and Kirk said...

Britt, we have seen YOU all along and that is why we love you and think YOU are amazing! We could care less what your hair looks like, or even if you put on makeup. You are our friend, and that is the ONLY thing that matters! We love you!

Katie said...

Brittney we do love YOU! You're such an example to many of us and I'm so glad that we're friends!

jaesi said...

heres my advice... dont stay up late....

when my hair fiasco happened...I depressively stayed up late and watched waaaay to many infomercials so therefore buying waaaay to many infomercial products... growing pills, boob growing pills, clothes, hats, juicer, candy, exercise equipment....I spent a lot of cash on crap that never saw the light of day (except the candy and juicer)

But that was the funniest time in my life and I can look back and laugh hard now....

Durben Family said...

Having seen a wide range with my weight, I found it to be quite a learning experience in social interaction.....It's so true that people react differently to you, based on appearance. But I'm glad I've had those experiences, it changed my perspective and will change how I view/treat others.
I also think you under-estimate how much people are drawn to you for your outrageous personality, and your genuine kindness. That never had anything to do with what you looked like. (Although everyone likes to have gorgeous friends...)