Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Oh Yes, I totally am and here's why:
Last week I posted that my Korbin was sicky. Well this little fever turned into a major rash but he already has eczema! So, no worries we slap some of his usual ointment on his body and send him back to school on Friday. BTW he was home driving me crazy for two days acting fine just with some itching. On Friday, not even ten minutes after he gets off the bus to school the lovely school Nurse calls me for the second time that week "Mrs. Nelson obviously there is something very wrong with your little boy, he is scratching himself raw-DIDN'T you notice before you MADE him get on the bus? Come right away and get him!" Well the evening before his hands started to swell-odd but that's why God gave us Benadryl. OK he must have an allergic reaction but he can still learn, cant he? I call the doctor we've never met and explain the symptoms and guess what he says--It looks like he has HAND FOOT AND MOUTH! WHAT? Does Korbin go to school in a third world country? We look it up and the only way that's contagious is through-hold your breath-feces. Eeeeewwww. They say its not really contagious and all they would do is give him Tylenol so keep him happy and send him to school on Monday. We have to go to our already scheduled appointment on Monday for his immunization papers (whole other can of worms about how retarded Georgia is about that crap) I do not send Korbin to school cause he's still funky lizard boy. We show up to the new and fancy Doctors office and they look at him and say "Does your throat hurt?" Korbin says nope and he has no mouth sores or anything but they want to do a throat culture anyway. TWO minutes later the Dr. comes in and says 'Mrs. Nelson did you know your son has SCARLETT FEVER?" Yeah, I know and I thought I'd ignore it-OF COURSE I DIDN'T KNOW I CALLED YOU AND YOU SAID HE HAS HAND FOOT AND MOUTH!!! The doctor looks and me blankly and says "Yep he probably has both." This calls for a curse word-What the hell!!!
Korbin tell him he feels great if he could stop feeling like human sandpaper. They send me with a week of antibiotics and the Dr. says he will be great in a few days. I get in the car and apologise to Korbin profusely that I didn't rush him to the hospital sooner and have my sweet, handsome, smart, funny, delightful boy made whole again. He looks out the window and just says "Of course you didn't know-your just a mom." haha At least he's well enough to make a joke. I think.


Jackie and Kirk said...

Oh Britt...we have all done that before! Tyler had double ear infections and eye infections and I waited way too long to take him to the doctors! I really hope you took pictures of him and his funky rash...that would be a great post! Hopefully he starts feeling better soon! Miss you guys!

Jess said...

How are you supposed to know how to identify hand foot and mouth or Scarlett fever? I know I wouldn't be able to id them.

You are a great mom! Keep taking care of your little man.

Chelsea said...

Holy cow girl! Sounds like you have had quite the exciting week! I hope the medicine works and he feels better soon.

Ann-Michelle said...

Once when Hannah was little she cut her foot on the ironing board. She told me it hurt a few times over the course of a WHOLE WEEK, and I was like "whatever". Finally I looked at it, and she had sliced her foot open such that she probably could have used stitches. I felt pretty Sh(#&%% at that point too.

Shama said...

So sorry that korbin has to suffer while he is sick, but my first reaction was to say, "so sorry to you Brittney that you now may not enjoy the advantage of sending your kid off to school for a few more days". Caden started back to day and I wanted to dance a jig!!! It would suck to only have a week of that then have him home for a week. I think that probably disqualifies me for "mom of the year" quicker than you not recognizing obscure potential diseases your child may have contracted.

They call me a Navy Wife said...

Didn't he have Scarlett Fever while he was here???
Poor kid :(
You are a fabulous mother (he is still alive isn't he) LOL :)

Shirley said...

There was no way for you to have known what he had and what a quack Dr. for diagnosing anything over the phone anyway! Korbin is still alive and probably none worse for the wear and besides this can be one of those stories he tells his shrink 30 years from now. lol You are a great Mom, you love your kids and take great care of them!

Durben Family said...

I'm with you! After one to many stupid stares from the 'Doctors' office (and the..."It's a virus and there is really nothing we can do...")...my kids have to be limp little noodles, and have three days worth of fever behind them before we trek to the Doc's office. Max was almost green before I was concerned in Kindegarten....but there was still nothing they could do for him...
Don't feel bad...I would have done the same.
(Foot and Mouth.....YIKES! Wait until they have a lice scare...you'll be shaving little Korby's head....)

Annalia said...

That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Nuts. Hope he's feeling better. ...and there's no way you're the worst mom ever. The ladies I see at the Lake kick your butt in the worst mom catagory.

Lesbian hair? What on earth?