Monday, June 15, 2009


After an extremely busy last few weeks and one fabulous trip to Southern Company- Jaxon and I have decided to accept a teaching position for Southern Nuclear. There is a Nuclear energy plant located about an hour south of Augusta Georgia-where we will live. Currently there are two reactors at Plant Vogtle; brilliantly named~1 and 2 starting August first they will break ground on~again original titles~ 3 and 4. Well...they wont be producing power till 2016 but while they are being built that's a whole lot of Senior Reactor Operators that need to license and get ready to man the plant. That's where my lovey comes in-He will be one of the 12 teachers to get the plant going. I was very impressed by this company and everyone we met so naturally I wanted to buy a house.
I am very very excited!!! I'm pretty happy that after living in the Seattle market and seeing houses like this go for $600,000 and knowing that we didn't pay anywhere close to that, makes me giddy!!!! Its four bedroom, three full bath, two car deep garage, a quarter acre back yard, and BRAND SPANKING NEW!! We will close on the 17th of July and then we will start to finally get settled once and for all. LOOK OUT GEORGIA HERE COME THE NELSONS!!!I'm not showing pictures till I get the newest ones tomorrow so stay tuned...


Jackie and Kirk said...

I am so happy for you guys!! Can't wait to see the new pictures of your new home! And I am so impressed that you changed your background!!

The Shaw Family said...

Yeah! It sounds like you are finding some stability after all the craziness. Can't wait to see the house!

Durben Family said...

I'm so happy for you guys! It's really full speed ahead..... Everything is working out so quickly for you, it makes my faith grow that things always work out for the best!

S.K. said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures. Good luck with the move!!!

CoachingByPeter said...

If a good real estate agent can help grease the wheels and get your offer in front of a lender, you can get an answer more quickly, and potentially close more deals.

Chelsea said...

I'm so jealous!!! Can't wait to see pictures!

Christine said...

Congratulations! I love having concrete plans to that I can start my preparations (I'm a little overzealous about planning.) And that house sounds fabulous. Can't wait to see pictures.

Eileen said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see the pictures! I think you'll love Georgia. Your kids will do such cute "Yes Maaaam's"!